
General Guidelines When Filming

Video Production Companies

General Guidelines When Filming

Are you planning to work with the world's biggest Video Production Companies in the future? If you do then start learning and practicing the basics today. Video Production Company Phink TV has been around for a couple of years in the industry and we want to share what we've learned over the years. Our team of experts came up with this list of very important things you should do to prepare you for a big video filming debut in the future.

Guideline No. 1 Use Tripods to Stabilize Your Videos

Even professionals use tripods while shooting their videos. Yes, it is true that most vameras today’s have stabilizing technology in them but it cannot do everything. It is still best to use tripods to avoid the shaking and other undesirable effects. A professional video is stable while the shaky ones are simply amateur. So make sure to use yours if you have one, if not just grab one at the store and you'll see how affordable they are.

Guideline No. 2 Always Have a Spare

You are in a tour and your group stopped by very beautiful scenery to take pictures. You turned your camera on and to your surprise this message flashed in front of you: "no more space available." Not fun eh? In order to prevent this situation from happening again make sure to carry some spare memory card, disc or tape with you because you'll never know when you will need them If you are a tourist, buy these items beforehand. Don't buy them in your destination so you can avoid excessive markups and save some money.

If you are in a situation where you can’t buy a memory card, disc or tape and you need to record a very important event, you can resort LP mode where your cameras allows you to have more space by sacrificing image quality. You don't want to do this often.

Guideline No. 3 Make Sure You Have Power

What is a camera without a battery? Always make sure that you have some extra battery packs with you because you'll never know when you will need these very precious items. It is just as important as spare memory cards. You also need to be very careful when choosing a battery pack, some of them stores more power than those that come from the manufacturer themselves.So what you are thinking about just click on

Guideline No. 4 Always Back Up

Losing your videos and pictures is like losing your own memory. These treasures must always be safeguarded. Try creating a backup of your videos in an extra disc or tape. We will not recommend storing it in a computer hard drive because it takes a lot of space and are prone to viruses and failures that might lead to the loss of your very important files.