Build A Simple Accounting Business Website

Looking to build a simple website for your accounting business? Onepager customer, Dan Yonker, uses Onepager to create and manage his website. These are some tips on how to create a website for your accounting business.

Dan Yonker Bookkeeping Services - Clear Message

Write a clear message for your company's offerings.

The logo and tagline should communicate your accounting business name and services. Your first sentences of your website should communicate the main offerings of you as an accountant.

The initial text on Dan's website is a great example of concise messaging. "Dan Yonker provides bookkeeping and consulting for small businesses and organizations in the Portland area."

Dan Yonker Bookkeeping Services - About Your Company

Get the essentials right.

Share info about your company, the services you offer, and suggest an action.

It's important to keep in mind that your visitors want you to get to the point. Don't waste their time when looking at your company’s website.

Many accountant websites have too much information. Keep things simple and relevant to your potential customers. They’ll be more likely to thank you with their business!

Don't overlook the 3 most important pieces of content for your accounting business website.

What services do you offer? Who are you as a business? Can the visitor contact you? Communicate what your business does, how you do it, and how your potential clients can reach you.

Clarity and concision help get your point across. If your business looks trustworthy, visitors will be more likely to do what you recommend to them.

Dan Yonker Bookkeeping Services - Colors & Fonts

Create a simple color palette and use legible font.

The color palette and fonts for your accounting business website should relate to your company's look and feel. Start with a base color from your company brand. Incorporate neutral colors (white and dark gray) and then add an accent color. Once you have the essentials in place, you can introduce more colors if you'd like.

Avoid jarring colors that may make your text hard to read. Remember that you’ll have website visitors of all ages and abilities. Make it easy for them to read your content.

Your company's website should have no more than 2 different fonts.

This is to prevent your website from looking cluttered and less legible. A safe choice is to choose 1 serif font and 1 sans-serif font.

What's the difference between serif and sans-serif? Serifs, like Times New Roman, have the 'tails' at the end of letters. Sans-serifs, like Arial, don't.

Dan Yonker Bookkeeping Services - Images

Use images to help deliver your message.

Great images bring attention to your website without saying a word. If you don’t have your own photos for your accounting business, photography websites such as can help. There you can find great looking, free-to-use images.

Choose images that reflect who your potential customers are.

You should choose images that reflect your business functions. For Dan Yonker, he could choose images of small business storefronts in Portland.

Be authentic with your words and images. With smartphones, it’s easy to take great photos that are unique to your business. Spend a couple of hours taking photos and you’ll have images for years to come.

Dan Yonker Bookkeeping Services - Domain

Choose a website domain for your accounting business.

It's important to have a small business domain that's easy to type. Avoid using hyphens. Stick with a ".com" version of your domain. Don't use words with multiple spellings or numbers. One option to try is to choose a more literal domain name -

Once you have your .com address, you can use it in a number of ways. Include it on your business cards and other print materials. Tell your friends and family. Use it on any social media profiles you have for your business.

Ready to create your accounting business website?

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